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S2I Deployments

Using S2I to build and deploy our application#

There are multiple methods to deploy applications in OpenShift. Let's explore using the integrated Source-to-Image (S2I) builder. As mentioned in the concepts section, S2I is a tool for building reproducible, Docker-formatted container images.

0. Retrieve the login command (if not logged in via CLI)#

If not logged in via the CLI, click on the dropdown arrow next to your name in the top-right of the cluster console and select Copy Login Command.

Follow the steps from Step 1 of the Deployment section.

1. Fork the repository#

In the next section we will trigger automated builds based on changes to the source code. In order to trigger S2I builds when you push code into your GitHub repo, you’ll need to setup the GitHub webhook. And in order to setup the webhook, you’ll first need to fork the application into your personal GitHub repository.


NOTE: Going forward you will need to replace any reference to "< username >" in any of the URLs for commands with your own username. So in this example I would always replace "< username >" with "0kashi".

2. Create a project#

Create a new project for this part. Let's call it ostoy-s2i.

You can create a new project from the CLI by running oc new-project ostoy-s2i or use the OpenShift Web Console.

Steps to Deploy OSToy imperatively using S2I#

3. Add Secret to OpenShift#

The example emulates a .env file and shows how easy it is to move these directly into an OpenShift environment. Files can even be renamed in the Secret. In your CLI enter the following command:

$ oc create -f<username>/ostoy/master/deployment/yaml/secret.yaml

secret "ostoy-secret" created

4. Add ConfigMap to OpenShift#

The example emulates an HAProxy config file, and is typically used for overriding default configurations in an OpenShift application. Files can even be renamed in the ConfigMap.

Enter the following into your CLI

$ oc create -f<username>/ostoy/master/deployment/yaml/configmap.yaml

configmap "ostoy-config" created

5. Deploy the microservice#

We deploy the microservice first to ensure that the SERVICE environment variables will be available from the UI application. --context-dir is used here to only build the application defined in the microservice directory in the git repo. Using the app label allows us to ensure the UI application and microservice are both grouped in the OpenShift UI.

Enter the following into the CLI

$ oc new-app<username>/ostoy \
    --context-dir=microservice \
    --name=ostoy-microservice \

Creating resources with label app=ostoy ...
  imagestream "ostoy-microservice" created
  buildconfig "ostoy-microservice" created
  deploymentconfig "ostoy-microservice" created
  service "ostoy-microservice" created
  Build scheduled, use 'oc logs -f bc/ostoy-microservice' to track its progress.
  Application is not exposed. You can expose services to the outside world by executing one or more of the commands below:
   'oc expose svc/ostoy-microservice'
  Run 'oc status' to view your app.

6. Check the status of the microservice#

Before moving onto the next step we should be sure that the microservice was created and is running correctly. To do this run:

$ oc status
In project ostoy-s2i on server

svc/ostoy-microservice -
  dc/ostoy-microservice deploys istag/ostoy-microservice:latest <-
    bc/ostoy-microservice source builds<username>/ostoy on openshift/nodejs:10 
    deployment #1 deployed about a minute ago - 1 pod

Wait until you see that it was successfully deployed. You can also check this through the web UI.

7. Deploy the frontend UI of the application#

The application has been architected to rely on several environment variables to define external settings. We will attach the previously created Secret and ConfigMap afterward, along with creating a PersistentVolume. Enter the following into the CLI:

$ oc new-app<username>/ostoy \

Creating resources ...
  imagestream "ostoy" created
  buildconfig "ostoy" created
  deploymentconfig "ostoy" created
  service "ostoy" created
  Build scheduled, use 'oc logs -f bc/ostoy' to track its progress.
  Application is not exposed. You can expose services to the outside world by executing one or more of the commands below:
   'oc expose svc/ostoy'
  Run 'oc status' to view your app.

8. Update the Deployment#

We need to update the deployment to use a "Recreate" deployment strategy (as opposed to the default of RollingUpdate for consistent deployments with persistent volumes. Reasoning here is that the PV is backed by EBS and as such only supports the RWO method. If the deployment is updated without all existing pods being killed it may not be able to schedule a new pod and create a PVC for the PV as it's still bound to the existing pod.

$ oc patch dc/ostoy -p '{"spec": {"strategy": {"type": "Recreate"}}}'

deploymentconfig "ostoy" patched

9. Set a Liveness probe#

We need to create a Liveness Probe on the Deployment to ensure the pod is restarted if something isn't healthy within the application. Enter the following into the CLI:

$ oc set probe dc/ostoy --liveness --get-url=http://:8080/health

deploymentconfig "ostoy" updated

10. Attach Secret, ConfigMap, and PersistentVolume to Deployment#

We are using the default paths defined in the application, but these paths can be overridden in the application via environment variables

  • Attach Secret
$ oc set volume deploymentconfig ostoy --add \
    --secret-name=ostoy-secret \

info: Generated volume name: volume-6fqmv
deploymentconfig "ostoy" updated
  • Attach ConfigMap (using shorthand commands)
$ oc set volume dc ostoy --add \
    --configmap-name=ostoy-config \
    -m /var/config

info: Generated volume name: volume-2ct8f
deploymentconfig "ostoy" updated
  • Create and attach PersistentVolume
$ oc set volume dc ostoy --add \
    --type=pvc \
    --claim-size=1G \
    -m /var/demo_files

info: Generated volume name: volume-rlbvv
deploymentconfig "ostoy" updated

11. Expose the UI application as an OpenShift Route#

Using OpenShift Dedicated's included TLS wildcard certificates, we can easily deploy this as an HTTPS application

$ oc create route edge --service=ostoy --insecure-policy=Redirect

route "ostoy" created

12. Browse to your application#

Enter the following into your CLI:

$ python -m webbrowser "$(oc get route ostoy -o template --template='https://{{}}')"

or you can get the route for the application by using oc get route and copy/paste the route into your browser